Active aging (our own actions that cause damage, decline and death) are what almost everybody dies from. Age-related diseases are largely driven by senescent cells (dysfunctional aging cells).
Senescent cells:
- They no longer divide into new cells which is a major loss for tissues (heart muscle) that require new stem cells to replace lost cells
- They cause a damaging ‘bystander’ effect in neighboring healthy cells causing THEM to become senescent
- They produce compounds that CAUSE inflammation
Diseases: atherosclerotic heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer – among others.
Senolytics are compounds that REMOVE senescent cells

Removal of dysfunctional senolytic cells has shown in research to:
- Reduce cardiovascular disease
- Improve frailty and muscle weakness
- Improve running endurance
- Decrease fatty liver and lung disease
- Decrease Alzheimer’s-like dementia
- Increase lifespan up to 36%

Age-related diseases are likely a senescent-cell-related condition and may likely respond to treatment with senolytics including:
- Aging
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular disease
- Alzheimer’s & neurodegeneration
- Chronic lung disease & emphysema
- Chronic kidney disease, Obesity and Metabolic syndrome
- Osteoarthritis & osteoporosis
- Eye cataracts
- Muscle frailty
And more ..