Psychogenic Myoclonus
January, 2022
I was referred to Bill Quateman and Dr. Liam Soloman by my dear friend and spiritual mentor. I was in search of help after developing an intense nervous tick that was affecting my work as an actor. The twitching has also been described as Psychogenic Myoclonus. I was experiencing severe, irrational panic around decision making and performing at my job.
After listening to Bill and Liam explain the Auto Infusion Technology, reading numerous positive testimonials from patients, I was thrilled and curious to try this therapy. I did three treatments at their Las Vegas facility and since leaving, the ticking behavior is almost non existent.
Before, I would get stuck in a trauma response unable to move forward or communicate without stuttering or ticking daily. I genuinely believe this treatment has significantly helped to improve the inner workings of my body and my mental health. Not only that my energy levels have increased significantly, I’m sleeping better and waking up easier. Not to mention how accommodating and loving Dr. Liam, Dr Mirkil and their wonderful technicians were. I felt safe and looked after throughout my entire stay. I am so grateful to know this team and receive the benefits of Dr. Liam’s life’s work. It’s a miracle to know them.
– Miranda Mayo, Actress | Chicago Fire

February, 2022
After being diagnosed with hsv2 I was completely traumatized and thought there was no hope since I had been told the disease was incurable. Luckily I met Bill Quateman and Liam Soloman; they were so kind and helpful. I can now say happily I am clear thanks to these people. Not only was I better physically but mentally I felt so much more at ease.
After my treatments many things didn’t bother me that used to drive me crazy and I even rekindled some family relationships that were damaged. I see life so much more clearly, I’m so thankful to god that he brought me to this group of people. I’m hoping this gives someone else hope to know that they can be healed with consistent Auto Infusion treatments and patience.
– Jancie, Business Owner

Basal Cell Carcinoma
February, 2022
I was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma. There was a pea-sized pimple-like growth on my scalp. Thinking it was a cyst or pimple, I kept picking it off and it kept coming back within days.
A dermatologist biopsy revealed lab results that determined it to be basal cell carcinoma.
Having a tremendous feeling of vitality and cleansing after 3 previous Auto Infusion treatments for personal best and general cleansing and talking with Liam Soloman about the dramatic benefits for all degenerative diseases with Auto Infusion, I immediately booked in for 9 more treatments.
I was given topical administration to the spot of the growth along with the colon administration of the Auto Infusion.
After these treatments, the growth was gone and now after 4 months, has not reappeared.
My level of vitality and calm is greatly enhanced and feels as though it is my ‘new normal.’
There are no words of gratitude that can describe my thanks to Liam for this astonishing technology as well as his kind and caring attendance .. I am committed to being a ‘regular’ to maintain ‘Personal Best.’
– Michael W., Business Owner

Early Stage Parkinson’s
June, 2021
After 62 years and not having any medical challenges in the last 35 years, recently, my left arm and hand began to tremble during a tremendously stressful time, while opening a healing business during the pandemic. My wife and I met Bill Quateman and he told us about the Auto Infusion Technology.
All we knew was it combined oxygenation, hydration, cleansing, detoxifying, pH balance and nutrification. Essentially resetting the body to how it was originally intended to work.
Upon arriving for my 5 days of treatment I had a long chat with the inventor, Liam. That morning and every morning during our treatment process, Liam was very attentive and made sure I knew precisely what was happening. At night he would call to check in on me, to make sure I was all right. Liam’s knowledge, confidence and mastery of his process, immediately allowed me to let go, relax, trust the process and the Auto Infusion procedure he has been developing his entire life. It was a rare opportunity to have my treatments facilitated by the inventor.
I was impressed that Liam has been using his healing procedure on himself for years and was clearly in amazing shape and health. I would highly recommend this process to any one with a health concern or medical issue that you and your doctors have not been able to figure out an answer for. While I still need further treatment, I am well on my way to healing; I’ve had about a 70% improvement in my cognitive function and diminished trembling. Thank you to Bill and Liam for all your help. I look forward to returning again soon.
– Greg F., Entrepreneur

Personal Best
June, 2021
My husband and I really had no idea about the Auto Infusion delivery system and were anxious about making a commitment without really knowing details or knowing Liam. We value what you bring to the health conversation and decided to go to Las Vegas and be open.
We met Liam on the first day and he was in full disclosure as to the process and spent a very long time describing the science which supports his treatments. When he was done with the introduction we felt completely at ease and excited about the treatments. Liam continued to spend as many hours as it took over the next five days of treatments to make sure we knew exactly what was going on and supported us through the process.
Personally, the treatment changed my life. Although I do take very good care of myself, this process up-leveled my game. When I was experiencing the treatment, I realized I would need to hold myself more accountable physically and spiritually to navigate these current times. The treatment felt like it was removing debris and I was, in the end, reflecting more Light. And that feeling has not diminished over these past few weeks being back home. My husband and I would recommend this process to anyone who is interested in being proactive about their health and wellness.
– Debra F., Real Estate